Wooden Canon USB Speaker Plugs

Wooden toys are not as popular as they use, but wood products still have an organic appeal, and the wood cannon USB speaker plugs are a good example of that appeal. Although the canon USB speaker plugs are not as shiny as others speaker plugs on the market, the device is still attractive.Wooden-Canon-USB-Speaker-Plugs_1
The Wooden Canon USB plugs work by being plugged into the USB port and can be used as an individual speaker. The device is very simple to use and just requires an easy plug in. There is no driver installation involved. The speaker plugs have a 3.5mm head jack and can easily work with MP3 players, iPhones, iPods, and PDA’s. The speaker delivers high-quality sound with a 2.5W power output.

The device is powered through the USB port so batteries are not necessary. The cost for the Wooden cannon plugs is around $22.

Via:  SlipperyBrick

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