Transgear TGP-701MG digital photo frame uses your cellphone to get online

transgear_TGP-701MG_digital_photo_frame-540x388We give digital photo frames a hard time here at SlashGear; it’ll take integrated WiFi just to get you through the door, normally, since we reckon that’s a must-have feature these days.  Even more appealing is integrated 3G, and while the TransTechnology Transgear TGP-701MG may not quite manage to make it internal, this 7-inch Japanese photo frame does at least offer a way to get online.

Instead of an integrated 3G modem, the TGP-701MG has a USB port and a cable to hook up to your cellphone.  Once you’ve done that, the frame automatically queries the server for any new images, audio or video files to download.  TransTechnology call it MagicSync, and they’re offering the SDK for the system freely to Japanese phone manufacturers.

The frame can show regular photos together with playing MP3 and WMA audio files and AVI and MOV video.  Content can be loaded locally (using a 3-in-1 memory card slot, or side-loading from a PC via USB to the 1GB of internal storage) or emailed to the server, is automatically resized to suit the WVGA resolution, and the whole thing comes with a remote control.  It’s not as straightforward as a fully integrated 3G system, but at least it doesn’t demand a separate contract.  On sale in Japan now, priced at 11,980 yen ($133).

Via : Slash Gear

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