Sonic Alert SBZ475ss Analog Alarm Clock wakes heavy sleepers

sonicalert-sgI have never really had a problem getting out of bed. The Alarm clock wakes me up just fine on low volume settings. I have known some people though who could sleep through a freight train rolling by. For the heavy sleeper a normal alarm may not cut it.

Sonic Alert has an analog alarm clock called Sonic Boom Analog Alarm clock that promises to make it easy to wake up in the morning. The clock is analog and looks like something from the time before digital clocks. The thing has no AM or PM setting to mess with and the alarm has 113dB to wake you.

The clock face has a blue back light that flashes when the alarm is going off and the clock acts as a night light as well. If the loud alarm isn’t enough to wake you the clock also has a bed shaker. The clock sells for $42.95.

Via : Slash Gear

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