Share The Music (STM)”, Peer-to-Peer Music Service

STM Share the Music WebsiteThere’s a new free music sharing service and community called Share the Music. Share the Music (STM) is a free global peer-to-peer music service where subscribers share their music, concert information and passion for music with others around the world.  It’s basically a social networking site with the ability to share tracks. is an innovative and unique project since it doesn’t distribute music files, but rather, it acts as a middleman among those who are willing to share their music. Those having a particular piece of music on their hard disk can broadcast it to only one listener at a time, and it cannot be copied by saving to the disk of another user. Owing to this, the copyright of authors, performers and producers is observed.

On users can also find Randomizer – the first in the world One-2-One Social Radio. It is a multi-channel, narrowly profiled radio station, in which users themselves are broadcasters. Randomizer, similarly to the whole ShareTheMusic, operates as One-2-One Streaming.

On Randomizer there are currently a few channels available, such as Depeche Mode, Madonna, Metallica, U2, The Beatles, 80s Collection, Rock Classics. The number of available channels will be increased every few days according to the needs and interests of users.

In addition, contains an expanded section devoted to the music community, in which users can create their own profiles, communicate, share information on music, and join thematic groups. There are main clickable tabs such as “Top 40″, which doesn’t list the actual “Top 40″, but the “Top 40 downloads” for the site.  That’s kind of neat. It doesn’t limit itself to genre.

On, the Internet users can also find the extensive database of concerts around the world. is a global service and is currently available in 8 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Dutch and Polish. More language versions will be available soon.

The exchange of information about the music made available by users is executed via the Global Sharing Platform – a unique application for the management of musical content. The special algorithm developed by Hicron Company insures the adequate distribution of music streams.

To use the service you simply register, download the STM player and start listening to your favorite artists. Once you have registered, you can reach out to other members in the community, join groups and share information about upcoming concerts in your area. It’s a great way to connect with people who have similar interests in music.

While this site is still building, it does have somewhat of a vast catalog of tunes. The player is simple, but usable.  The site itself, does not crowd itself with a lot of advertising, which is good because there’s a lot going on within the site, and it’s nice to be able to navigate without confusion. This may change as the site gains steam.  There is an advertising option on the site, and STM does need to support itself.

The concert reference is somewhat new to peer-to-peer sites. There’s already a long list of available venues listed, and a search tool allows you to search concerts by city, state, country, date and of course, artist. is free and available for everyone.

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