September to be big month for Apple- iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad 3



Apple is scheduling the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad 3 to be introduced in September

In the latest gadget news, or should we say ‘the rumor mill’, Apple will introduce the next iPhone in September, possibly alongside the iPad 3.

Specifically, Apple will announce a new iPhone 5 and an iPad 3 with a Retina Display, and also the iPhone 4S, an upgrade to the current model.

Another rumor says that Apple will begin production of the iPhone 4S in September, and will bring it to market in October along with the iPad 3.

So what can we believe?  It seems strange that a marginal 4S-upgrade would land the same time as the revolutionary new iPhone 5.  Perhaps we may see a sooner 4S launch, maybe the end of this month, followed by a September launch of the iPad 3, while Apple’s iPhone 5 launch will wait until early next year so it won’t cut into 4S sales.

Time will tell, but it’s certainly fun to speculate.

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Tags: iPad, iPhone 4