OWLE iPhone Video Mount

OWLE iPhone Video MountThe latest OWLE iPhone Video Mount is an eleborate version of a growing number of iPhone accessories designed to turn the world’s best smartphone into a cinematographer-like video camera. .

The OWLE iPhone Video Mount is made from anodized billet aluminum, and it comes with a standard 37mm lens threading, as well as a 0.45x wide angle/macro combination lens and a mini boom microphone.OWLE iPhone Video Mount 2

Designed to nestle your iPod inside the metal and silicone case, the OWLE iPhone Video/Rig allows you to shoot the best iPhone video available with what you have. Still shots turn out great as well.

The shoe mount on top allows you to add camera accessories (flash will not work, since there is no way to sync it to the iPhone camera shutter), and the four screw mounts on the corners of the case OWLE iPhone Video Mount 3enable you to mount to a tripod.  The OWLE iPhone Video Mount lets you position your iPhone in several ways with production-like angles and stability.

The OWLE iPhone Video Mount comes standard with 37mm lens threading, as well as a 0.45x Wide angle/macro combination lens. Adding any other lenses with the 37mm mount is the best feature with this product. Not only does the OWLE add ease-of-use functions, but it can also enhance your videos and stills with zoom, filters, aperture and depth of field.

The OWLE iPhone Video Mount is available for $129.99 from www.thinkgeek.com.

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