New Barnes & Noble Android eReader coming May 24th

Barnes and Noble is planning to launch a new Android eReader May 24th. The new eReader gadget hit gadget news during a meeting with analysts and investors, saying “it expects to make an announcement on May 24, 2011 regarding the launch of a new eReader device.” 

Whether this is a new-gen NOOK or not is unknown. But if it is, you can probably expect it will have more powerful hardware and perhaps Android 3.0 Honeycomb, which is designed for tablets.  Barnes & Noble has stated that since the introduction of its NOOK eReaders, it began selling more digital books than physical books, so this eReader market is huge for them….and huge for everyone. 

Who knows, Barnes and Noble may make a big mark in the tablet market as well in the form of a Barnes & Noble nook ereader. When it hits, the new Nook ereader reviews will be a plenty.

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Tags: android, Android 3.0, B&N, Barnes & Noble, barnes & noble ereader, barnes & noble nook ereader, Barnes and Noble, barnes and noble nook review, barnes and noble nook reviews, eBook, eReader, ereader gadgets, gadget news, honeycomb, latest gadgets, Nook, nook color, nook ereader review, NOOKcolor, tablet