Kindle for PC is Here

Kindle for PC 1Kindle has finally come to PC. How ironic. Who would have thought that one of the last stops for the robust digital reader would be the traditional PC. Kindle for PC is yet another way to enjoy Amazon’s digital-rights-managed content, and a Mac version is “coming soon”.

The application is similar to the iPhone version. Your place is synced with other devices by Whispersync, and there is support for bookmarks and annotations. You can browse and buy from the Kindle Store, a catalog with 10s of 1000s of titles.  You can’t, however, access blogs, newspapers or magazines like the Kindle device itself.

You can now buy and read Kindle books without buying a Kindle. Amazon must be expecting its brand name to shift a lot of e-books direct to computers. Either way, Kindle for PC is a nice addition to the family, and based on the color screenshots of the softtware, one might guess that a color Kindle is on its way. We will see, but the success of Kindle and the aggressive way Amazon does business and pumps out products, I’d put money on a color Kindle in a few months.

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