iPad 2 to ship in February

iPad 2 to ship in February           


Today, a report from DigiTimes came out that suggests Apple has notified Foxconn, its next-generation iPad manufacturer, that initial shipments will start in the next 100 days. 

iPad 2 to ship in February


It also said that initial shipments will be in the 400,000 to 600,000 range.  Apple sold 300,000 iPads on its first day of availability and it reached the 1 million mark in 28 days. The company is currently selling over 1 million units each month. Since this first shipment unit number seems low for a successor to a mind-boggling successful first-gen product, Foxconn’s new plants in Chengdu will probably be ramping up volume following the initial production runs in Shenzhen. Apple’s iPad 2 is expected to feature a thinner case, a Retina Display, a gyroscope and FaceTime support.

Posted 12/7/10

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