InteliWISE eCommerce Virtual Agent will blow away your best sales representative

InteliWISE’s eCommerce Agent is better than a sales force. They don’t make mistakes, and they work around the clock.

InteliWISE is a company that provides customer engagement tools for websites and online stores. They monitor customers’ behaviors and proactively targets important sales or support messages, thereby increasing online conversions and sales.  It’s a whole new revolution in internet marketing.  Simply put, they reach and engage a company’s customers when those customers are online.  They do this through interactive virtual agents that call that customer to action.  Whether it’s a promotion going on, or an add-on sales opportunity, or a cross-promotion deal or even a customer service need, Inteliwise’s software makes sure that every customer has a chance to learn about what your company has to offer, and also ensures that the customer is receiving timely and accurate service.  It also improves the odds drastically that your customer will engage in something you’re offering, and also improve customer retention by leaps and bounds.

InteliWISE knows eCommerce.  The company behind the award-winning Virtual Agent software, Inteliwise has now developed a new system called the “eCommerce Virtual Agent” (EVA), and it will blow your mind.  EVA is comprised of eCommerce software that helps increase conversions, and decrease shopping cart abandonment by enabling targeted and important sales messages to shoppers at key moments.  For example, when it detects that a customer might be leaving the site, it will offer incentives like a discount, free delivery or a bundled package to make sure the odds of a sale are good.

The EVA is an interactive customer engagement tool, in the form of intelligent chat, that acts like your best sales person in your online store.   Better than that, though, it’s completely automated and works even while your sales team is busy with another client out of the office.  Live chats are key because when your customers land on your web site, they can open the chat window immediately, and their product issues, questions and complaints are handled immediately.

The secret formula behind InteliWISE’s eCommerce Virtual Agent is the combination of traditional live chat software and a powerful AI technology called Natural Language Processing (NLP). It helps Inteliwise’s Virtual Agents to understand customer questions automatically and provide answers supported by sales scripts – the same as your best sales people use.  You could call it a “hybrid chat”, built on an intelligent site search that suggests search results based not only on a keyword search, but more importantly on the meaning of the question. That’s why when a customer asks a question, they are presented with the right answer immediately and they don’t have to wait for ‘the next available agent’.  Pretty nifty new gadgets, right?

You can also choose between the EVA or a live person with “Transfer business chat” capabilities.  You can transfer chats between a live operator and a virtual agent freely and easily. InteliWISE’s eCommerce Virtual Agent can automatically put your live assistant on the line whenever it does not know the answer. Or a customer may just type, “I want to talk to a live operator”.  And it’s done.

The EVA is driven by a “progressive chat with triggers” model.  Experts say that the right timing for engagement is critical. With InteliWISE triggers, you can decide when to reach customers proactively.  Triggers enable you to define when and how agents will engage customers. Virtual experts can work in both Push mode (proactively – a pop-up appears to a customer) or pull (the customer must click to activate the avatar – i.e. enter a question). All customer interactions will be monitored through sales reports.


Up to this point, traditional Virtual Agent software was static.  In other words it was made up of mostly help desk or FAQ pages, waiting for customers to ask them a question. The traditional, intent – based, Artificial Intelligence recognition engine helped to understand shoppers’ questions and provide them with instant answers. While InteliWISE software tools can be used in this role, the latest engagement tools trigger and promote action based Sales Strategies.  The customer is now engaged and required to make some enticing decisions on offers that pop up at appropriate times.


Now, your shopper activities are monitored proactively, and when an action is taken by the shopper that matches a pre-determined condition, the eCommece Virtual Agent steps in to close the sale.  The software is highly interactive and is able to offer added incentives to the shopper to complete the sale. Even in circumstances where abandonment is predictable, the EVA can request the shopper to leave an email address for future coupon or discount offers.

“Analysts have been monitoring and reporting on eCommerce Virtual Agents, and report that they are playing a critical role in building the right customer experience. Instant online support is also becoming a required feature of this category of software services”, said Marcin Strzalkowski, CEO of InteliWISE. “We are taking the whole concept of virtual agents to a new level of interaction, where skilled virtual agents are not hidden in the least visited help sections.  Now they serve clients proactively, with the right help at the right time , but without being too intrusive.”

With the eCommerce Virtual Agent suite, you can have pre-defined sales messages or use scripts.  InteliWISE provides tools to mold your best sales scripts for a virtual agent, so that when your online customers are interested, InteliWISE’s interactive EVA can use all the power of those scripts to close the transaction all by itself.  You can get full visibility into CTR, conversion or sales reports.  And the best part, it provides instant set-up and only runs $49/mo.   With this tool, you can literally make up that cost with one sale.


So why did InteliWISE create the eCommerce Virtual Agent besides the obvious reasons.  Three words:  SHOPPING CART ABANDONMENT.   This is the biggest nightmare of online stores worldwide. Up to 95% of shoppers are said to leave any given page without completing a transaction. Some do it because they just came to browse, but others simply had not received the proper support when they needed it. With just one click, InteliWISE agents can be put to work without any time lag, so that they respond to customers’ questions and doubts in just seconds. Once customers decide to leave your site, they are as good as gone, but InteliWISE’s interactive EVAs question them to find out why they want to leave and then offer incentives to get them to stay, based on their answers. They work just like very good, very polite, but very persistent and effective salespeople.

The InteliWISE eCommerce Agent Sales Agents helps to make customers come back or leave their contact information. The shopping cart is the sweet spot of the shopping experience. InteliWISE acknowledges the fact that, before hitting the ‘buy’ button, customers ask many questions in variety of ways, often using every day, rather than formal or “proper” language. Customers can address their issues with the chat support.

InteliWISE is the cutting edge of eCommerce, and represents the future of the way online business will be conducted.

For more information about Inteliwise, The eCommerce Virtual Agent and all of their other products and services, visit them at


And check out the video on InteliWISE…

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Tags: company profile, eCommerce Virtual Agent, gadget news, Inteliwise, Inteliwise Virtual Agent, new gadgets, reviews, virtual agent