iMote from ThinkGeek- Kid Friendly Remote Control iMot

iMote by ThinkGeek Kid Friendly RemoteThe iMote helps kids discern between the appropriate shows and the not so appropriate. The iMote is a programmable TV remote just for preschoolers. You select and program the remote with five of your child’s favorite TV channels and the remote does the rest, blocking all other channels from your geekling’s innocent eyes.

Pick from 100+ colorful stickers to illustrate each button with the logo of your toddler’s favorite channels. Special bonus for parents of kids with oral fixations – the iMote has passed all safety tests and is iMote by ThinkGeek Kid Friendly Remote 2completely safe to gnaw, although not terribly tasty. Watch their confidence soar as they channel surf with their very own remote and find their favorite shows with ease.

For ages 3 and up, you can select 5 TV channels that are kid-safe programming, and all the other channels are blocked. It’s offered by a company called ThinkGeek. ($30,

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