Ever felt like you needed to be able to check Twitter from an easier source than, say, your phone? Or, how about that laptop you probably have dangerously close to you at all times? And, sure, some high-def TVs out there have widgets galore, and even your Xbox 360 can check the little blue bird’s site. So, what’s next?Well, at this point, all we can really tell you is that it involves Google, Intel, and Sony.
The New York Times has been talking to people familiar with the matter, so that’s about all the official word we have on the project for now. Google is bringing Android, Intel is bringing the chips, and Sony is hoping beyond hope that if they tag along, people will want their TVs again. What is the goal? They want you to be able to make it from Twitter, to Picasa, and back again, just by “changing the channel.” At least, they want the experience to be that easy. Yes, this is sounding dangerously like WebTV, but we won’t hold that against the companies. In fact, we’re interested in seeing just what Google’s Android would be capable of in a set-top box, or running behind the scenes on our TVs.
And we can’t forget Logitech in all of this. They’ve got the peripherals thing down, so, sure enough, they’re sticking with what they know best. Apparently the project has been going for several months now, but spokespeople from each refused to comment. So, what does all this mean? Just about nothing, right now. Until one of these companies actually comes out and drops a hint themselves, take this one with a grain of salt.
Via : Slash Gear