Google renovates Android Maps with 3D rendering and offline directions

Google renovates Android Maps with 3D rendering and offline directions   


3D maps are coming to Android , and maybe iPhone as well.  Yesterday, Google unveiled their all new 3D mapping system.  

Google Maps for Android, now in 3D and Available offline

It displays maps using something called “dynamic rendering”, and it lets Google render maps in real time.  This equates to faster load times, smoother scrolling and  a 3D view of buildings that can be viewed and automatically orientated using the phone’s compass.

Initially, 3D building will be available in 50 cities, but does not presently combine real pictures as found in Google Streetview.  We might see this in the near future.

Google Maps will also have the ability to work offline.  In the event that you lose your wireless connection, Google Maps is instructed to locally store your most often used maps, allowing you to still navigate sans Internet connection.   Perhaps a future feature will allow you to preload maps as your discretion.

The update will supposedly roll out for the Galaxy S, Droid, Droid X, Droid 2, Droid Incredible, EVO 4G, Nexus S, and G2 in a few days, though no official announcement has happened as of yet.  

Posted 12/8/10
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