Google Nexus One unboxed, gets video demo

google_nexus_one_unboxing-540x286Google’s Nexus One Android 2.1 smartphone has shown up in photos again, this time complete with packaging and a short demo video.  Twitter user Bobby Robertson has shared some images of the Google Phone’s packaging together with a shot of the back of the HTC-made smartphone with the battery cover removed.

To be fair, there aren’t that many surprises hiding behind the battery cover: a microSD card slot and a SIM slot, just as indicated from the FCC’s label.  The Google Phone is expected to arrive in 2010, both subsizided by at least one US carrier and unlocked directly from Google themselves.

Incidentally, we scanned the QR 2D barcode on the back of the Nexus One – which in previous images has been covered up in tape – and it resolves to  Unfortunately that link doesn’t resolve right now.

Via :  Slash Gear

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