Bushnell range finder a god send for golfers!

golfThe Ryder Cup has been responsible for a new wave of golfing enthusiasts with attendance figures, as ever, showing a marked spike after the historic Ryder Cup of 2008. However, how do the golfers of today find their range? How are they able to calculate the yardage to the flag?

While the use of caddies and pinpoint yardage cards is common place on the professional circuit it is not as easy for the amateurs, until now!

The Bushnell Golf Tour V2 Laser Rangefinder is set to give each and every golfer in the land the chance to at least find their range – whether they hit the spot is a different matter. The V2 Laser Rangefinder does not use the latest GPS, prisms or reflectors but relies entirely on a laser system which can estimate the distance to the flag to within 1 yard. This ensures that the device can be used on any golf course around the world.

So next time you step onto the golf course you will have no excuse for ‘getting the yardage wrong’ and will instead have more time to concentrate on actually hitting your shot. Does this mean we should see more Tiger Woods over the next few years? Well, that is a whole different matter for debate……

Via: Gadgets and Gizmos

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