Adobe Flash Running On A TBA Android Tablet

Discovered very recently is an un-branded new Slate running Android OS 2.1.  It also supports both Adobe flash and Air apps.

The big deal about this newly discovered tablet is that, when compared to the iPad, these tablets are Flash compatible, something Apple’s touchscreen device can’t and won’t do.  This means a wide number of website’s can’t be used on the iPad, including Hulu.

Adobe Flash Running On A TBA Android Tablet

While Flash sucks out the battery and slows the processor of your mobile device, it stands to reason why Apple is really promoting HTML5.  In order for Flash to be viable on any portable device it must be able to efficiently handle the software, something that has yet to materialize.  But Google is cutting-edge, so I’m pretty confident that future Android devices will have Flash that has solved its hungry appetite for battery and processing resources for mobile devices.

Published on May 6, 2010

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