Motorola DROID 3 outted! (video)

While this isn’t the first leaked photo of the DROID 3 (also known as the Milestone 3 in Europe), it’s certainly the clearest and most authentic.

The phone first surfaced in March, again in April, and then the specs were leaked in May. It looks very much like the DROID 2, with perhaps a little more iPhone 4 look to the face.

The specs are awesome. The DROID 3 should sport a 4-inch display with 960 x 540 qHD resolution, a dual-core processor, HDMI-out, and an 8-megapixel camera that’s presumably capable of recording HD video. Early rumors suggested a June launch on Verizon Wireless, so hopefully we’ll hear something very soon.


Check out the video…..

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