Tag Archives : Windows 8

Windows 8 is detailed and developers have at it (video)

Windows 8 is detailed and developers have at it (video)

    Windows 8 will be optimized to work simultaneously with a Windows tablet and a PC   Microsoft’s Windows 8 details have just surfaced, along with a developers download of the OS.  The new operating system was explained in a 3-hour keynote speech, detailing the future of where Microsoft is headed with its Windows super brand. Initial reactions of the latest OS by panels have been [...]
Microsoft will be late to party again with 2012 tablet

Microsoft will be late to party again with 2012 tablet

You’d think as ginormous and innovative as a company like Microsoft has been in the past, that they would be a little quicker on the draw with the latest tablet and smartphone devices, and offering a little bigger competitive fight than what we’ve seen in the last few years.  But here we go again.  After entering the smartphone and mobile OS business recently with Windows Phone 7 and [...]