Tag Archives : stores

Verizon carrying iPad 2 at launch as well (video)

Verizon carrying iPad 2 at launch as well (video)

Verizon has just put the iPad 2 on their website, and says that the Apple updated tablet will be available on the launch date, March 11th. While no formal announcement has been made, and the details surrounding the launch have not been clarified, Verizon is expected to begin selling the iOS tablet at 5:00PM local time on launch day, inline with those other retailers that will introduce the much anticipated [...]
Verizon iPhone 4 hits shelves today

Verizon iPhone 4 hits shelves today

Today is the day that the iPhone from Verizon Wireless will hit store shelves. Those wanting a CDMA iPhone can visit Apple Stores, Best Buys, Walmarts, and, of course, Verizon Wireless retail locations for their purchase.  But good luck, because they will certainly go fast.