Tag Archives : car gadgets

SilverCloud GPS Monitoring System review (video)

SilverCloud GPS Monitoring System review (video)

Real-Time Tracking Technology Made Simple   Most people are already familiar with the benefits that GPS navigation systems can provide, helping us locate a friend’s house, local restaurant or the correct way to get from point “A” to point “B”. However, over the past decade there has been a substantial increase in the use of GPS monitoring devices for a variety of applications that include:   1)   [...]
CarCheckup Review (video)

CarCheckup Review (video)

Some of the most common problems we have with our cars are those issues that could probably have been prevented if we just took some minor care with checking maintenance from time to time.  While now there’s an automatic way for you to do that, and you can see it in great detail and brilliant color on your PC. It’s called the CarCheckup, and it’s a small plastic device, made to [...]