Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7, Wave & GALAXY Note coming Sep 1



An Android developer noticed three logos inside Samsung’s Mobile Unpacked APK file, clearly named the GALAXY Tab 7.7, the Wave 3 and the GALAXY Note

Samsung Wave, Bada-powered smartphone

Latest Gadget News: During the IFA Tradeshow in Berlin on September 1st, Samsung has already hinted at something “big”.  Well a certain blogger just got the skinny on what’s in store.

An Android developer noticed three logos inside Samsung’s Mobile Unpacked APK file. The logos clearly name the GALAXY Tab 7.7, the Wave 3 and the GALAXY Note.

Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.7

There have been rumors that Samsung will launch a new 7-inch tablet, possibly with a new Super AMOLED HD display and Honeycomb in tow, and the GALAXY Tab 7.7 seems to be confirming that rumor.

The Wave 3 will be a Samsung bada-powered device but it is still unclear exactly what the GALAXY Note is, (possibly the Note is the photo you’re seeing.

Possibly the "Samsung Galaxy Note"

Samsung  just announced its new GALAXY family of Android smartphones on Wednesday, so it is possible that the GALAXY Note is another tablet.

We’ll know in a week.

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Tags: Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy Tab