Tag Archives : Official

Apple Press Event: Announces iPad 2, A5 duel-core & iOS 4.3

Apple Press Event: Announces iPad 2, A5 duel-core & iOS 4.3

Apple blew it up with the official announcment of the iPad 2, straight from the horses mouth, Steve Jobs.  Here are the specs: Apple A5 processor, dual core CPU 2x CPU speed, 9x graphics speed improvement Front and rear cameras Gryoscope 33% thinner, 13.4mm to 8.8mm thin — thinner than an iPhone 4, and lighter than the previous iPad AT&T and Verizon models, white and black iPads Same original [...]
iPhone 4 on Verizon Now Official and Available February 10th

iPhone 4 on Verizon Now Official and Available February 10th

iPhone 4 on Verizon Now Official and Available February 10th —The iPhone 4 is official with Verizon Wireless on February 10th.  Pricing will remain the same as AT&T.  Preorders start for VZW customers on February 3rd, while new subscribers can purchase the iPhone 4 in-store on February 10th.  iPhone 4 on Verizon Wireless will also include new Personal Hotspot capabilities allowing customers [...]